Thursday, July 30, 2009

To Catch up and new swing set

We have not posted in a while as nothing too big has been going on. So we wanted to just catch everyone up on the boys with some random picks and few highlights over the past few weeks. We have taken the boys to Kiddie Park a few more times. They love it and it is cheap entertainment. One thing that we are excited about for Austen is that he finally started riding his John Deere Gator again. For the longest time he would not get on the thing and ride it around. Then one day out of the blue he decided he was ready to ride but only if Jaksen would ride with him. So we strapped them in and off they went. We have done many Gator rides since then and Austen is starting to figure out the whole steering thing.

These kids really go through phases. Another one for Austen was wearing a hat. You could not get a hat on that kid's head forever. All of the sudden one day, he wanted to wear a hat. He now has no problems putting one on when we go outside or go into to town for something. He will even ask his dad where his hat is if he is not wearing one.
Austen is also potty trained now, well at least half way. He is doing great with going tee-tee, but pooping is just not happening. Any suggestions on this. We try not to get too frustrated with him, because he really is doing well and he is not even three yet. But just the fact that he knows when he has to go but refuses to sit on the potty to do it is just a little frustrating. He will get there. Patience!
Jaksen is standing on his own and taking a few steps here and there. He likes to get behind walkers and go all over the house. Anytime now he will be doing it on his own. He has surprised us with a few words here lately. He says dog when he hears them bark and can identify ducks on the See and Say when you ask him where it is. He loves to tell you "Hi". He is always saying that and then gives you a big ol' hug when he says it.
We went to Dallas last weekend for Lucy's three year old Birthday party. It was a great party. They rented a party room with very large blow up jumping castles and slides. The kids loved it, even dad got in on the action and was having a blast. While we were there Grandy and Nana gave the boys their Birthday presents early. It was a swing set. We worked on it for three evenings and got it all put together pretty easily, which surprised us since Grandy and his two adult helpers had such a "hard" time with Lucy's. It is a great swing set and the boys love it. So far, the swings seem to be the favorite thing, although Austen likes the picnic table and Jaksen loves to crawl up the slide. Thanks Grandy and Nana!!!
Overall, things are good here. There always seems to be something going on, but what else is new with two little ones!

This was the when Austen decided he wanted to wear the hat. He loved the fact that he was vacuuming in his undies and hat.

Jaksen was very fussy and this is how he finally fell asleep. How sweet and silly is that!

How sweet is this!

We love movie time together!

Focus on the devil like horns that have formed in Jaksen's hair, need I say more!!!

We went to feed the ducks the other day, and just like at the beach Austen loved to chase the ducks and geese around the park! The geese would get close, but Austen was not scared at all.

Pics from Lucy's party!

We love our swing set! Thanks Nana and Nene!